Secrets and BTS


A peek into my life!

My life is pretty simple. Haha I'm just kidding! Everything is all over the place! But somehow I keep doing my thing and it kinda works out.
Lets start out with the basics.
I'm a human. My race is female. My hair color is the color of my hair color. My gender is the same as my own.
But in all seriousness, I'm an 8th grader girl just doing my thing. I like power tools, computers, video games (although I am not really skilled), crafts, blowing things up, melting things and petting cats.
In a day of my life its pretty crazy. One thing is, I'm never in the same house. If you know me personally, then you know how much I dislike it. It is one of my biggest nuisances. I'll wake up in one parents house, go to a different family member's house after school, get picked up from that house by someone, and then get dropped off at a different person's house. (My Tuesday schedule)
Inspirations? -my dad
He has inspired me and taught me to do so many things that I now love. Computers, cat petting, video games, tools, melting things, and blowing stuff up; all of which I picked up from my dad.
If I had to describe myself in one word, it would be: a purple box with a blue lock.

Things I'm excited for:
Virtual reality
I don't have an incredibly interesting life, but now you know about every detail of my life!
Love you all ♡

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